Lake Stories of Wales by Margaret Isaac published by Apecs Press
Translated by Juli Paschalis

illustrations by Margaret Jones
Apecs Press 2008
pb 978 0 9548940 6 1

Margaret Isaac writes books based on stories and places of Wales and is presently researching the folklore relating to the Lakes of Wales. Her first book on this theme relates to the lakes in her own locality.

The spirits of Llyn Cwm Llwch, angered by the unwelcome curiosity and interference of their human neighbours, threaten to flood Brecon and the surrounding countryside.

At Llyn Safaddon, the true Prince of Wales challenges his enemies and commands the birds to sing.

The Lady of Llyn-y-Fan Fach brings love and riches to Gwyn, and the gift of healing to her children.

A city is drowned beneath the lake at Kenfig and a cruel Princess is cursed by the Pantannas.

Arthur's Greatest Knight meets the Lady of the Fountain, and averts a disaster at Llyn Llech Owain.

Here are five enchanting stories where the spirits of another world cast their shadows making magic, causing mischief, and bringing about their own unchangeable creations to the living world.

A knight will ride towards you at great speed to challenge you...
"Dear Lord, you know all things, if you have created me the true Prince of Wales, I will be bold and bid these birds to break their silence, so that their song will show the beauty of your creation!"
A tall beautiful woman appeared. Her hair flowed over her shoulders to her waist, a gossamer silk gown swept from her shoulders and floated behind her.

The Welsh language translation - Storiau LLynnoedd Cymru, Cysgodion yn y Dyfroedd - is available from Apecs Press.